PC: riedelmeier-Pixabay Tickle The Sleeping Brain: Ever wondered why there is this nagging and a never-ending fight between the two genders - male and female trying to perhaps, prove which one is stronger than the other ? The real tug of war is basically based on rights and duties. Who would know what and how things took place in history that has its ripples alive till date such that women seem to have to fight for basic rights for their cause and some misunderstood assumptions are born which tell men that somehow, their rights are being snatched away in the process of making way for women. The basic idea of right to live in peace professed in almost all global social movements is lost in the milieu of ignorance and flawed disposition of pride and arrogance. PC: iqbalnuril-Pixabay Something Very Basic: All kinds of global social movements like Civil Rights, Peace movement, Feminism, Abortion Rights, Equality, Ecofeminism, Transgender Rights, Black Li...